性 别 最高学历 博士研究生
职 称 项目研究员 专家类别 硕士生导师
部 门 腐蚀基础与前沿研究部
通讯地址 辽宁省沈阳市沈河区文萃路62号,中国科学院金属研究所,腐蚀基础与前沿研究部
邮政编码 110016 电子邮件 dwu@imr.ac.cn
电 话 +86-24-23915897 传 真 +86-24-23894149

  2020/12 - 至今, 中国科学院金属研究所,材料环境腐蚀研究中心,项目研究员

  2014/10 - 2020/11,中国科学院金属研究所,材料环境腐蚀研究中心,副研究员

  2012/9 - 2014/9,中国科学院金属研究所,材料环境腐蚀研究中心,助理研究员

  2008/9 - 2012/7,中国科学院金属研究所,材料学,博士,导师:韩恩厚 研究员,陈荣石 研究员

  2006/9 - 2008/7,东北大学,材料加工工程,硕士,导师:许光明 教授

  2002/9 - 2006/7,东北大学,尖子生班,学士,导师:初显章 副教授


  1. 高性能镁合金研发与应用;

  2. 大型镁合金铸件成形工艺研发与应用、缺陷形成机理及调控;

  3. 高强镁合金塑性成形工艺研发与应用;

  4. 镁合金塑性变形机制与再结晶机制研究及微观组织、织构与力学性能调控;

  5. 轴承钢环境服役损伤行为及机理研究。


  1. 辽宁省“百千万人才工程” 万层次人选;

  2. 沈阳市科技局评审专家;

  3. 沈阳市高层次人才-拔尖人才;

  4. 中国有色金属产业技术创新战略联盟 专家委员会委员;

  5. 有色金属智库(http://www.yszky.com/) 认证专家;

  6. 受邀作为“Materials Science and Engineering A”、“Materials & Design”、“Journal of Materials Science & Technology”、“Journal of Magnesium and Alloys”、“Wear”、“Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China”、“材料研究学报”、“沈阳航空航天大学学报” 等期刊的论文审稿人。多次受邀作为东北大学硕士研究生毕业论文评阅人。


1. 国际学术会议获奖:

  (1) D. Wu, R.S. Chen, E.H. Han. Excellent Paper Award for Young Scientists. Serrated Flow and Tensile Properties of a Mg–Gd–Zn Alloy. The 11th IUMRS International Conference in Asia, September 25-28, 2010, Qingdao, China.

  (2) D. Wu, R.S. Chen, E.H. Han. Prominent Oral Presentation. Serrated Flow and Tensile Properties of a Mg–Gd–Zn Alloy. The 4th International Conference on Magnesium. September 25-28, 2010, Qingdao, China.

  (3) S.H. Lu, D. Wu*, R.S. Chen. Excellent Poster. The hot compressive deformation and microstructural evolution of a Mg-Gd-Y-Zr Alloy. The 6th International conference on Magnesium. Sep. 23-26, 2017, Shenyang, China.

  (4) S.S.A. Shah, D. Wu*, R.S. Chen. Excellent Poster. Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of a Mg-Gd-Y-Zr Alloy processed by impact forging and annealing treatment. The 6th International conference on Magnesium, Sep. 23-26, 2017, Shenyang, China.

  (5) W.H. Wang, D. Wu*, R.S. Chen, X.N. Zhang. Best Presentation Award. Aging effect on serrated flow in Mg-Nd-Zn alloy. IUMRS-ICA 2016, the 17th International Conference in Asia, October 20-24, 2016, Qingdao, China.

2. 辽宁省金属学会优秀论文奖:

  (1) W.H. Wang, D. Wu*, S.S.A. Shah, J.H. Ni, R.S. Chen, X.N. Zhang, The relationship between dynamic strain aging and serrated flow behavior in magnesium alloy. Philosophical Magazine Letters 97 (2017): 235-240. 2018 年辽宁省金属学会优秀科技论文,一等奖;

  (2) S.S.A. Shah, D. Wu*, W.H. Wang, R.S. Chen, Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of a Mg-Gd-Y alloy processed by impact forging. Materials Science and Engineering A 702 (2017): 153-160. 2018 年辽宁省金属学会优秀科技论文,一等奖;

  (3) J.L. Li, X.X. Wang, N. Zhang, D. Wu*, R.S. Chen, Ductility drop of the solutionized Mg-Gd-Y-Zr alloy during tensile deformation at 350 °C. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 714 (2017): 104-113. 2018 年辽宁省金属学会优秀科技论文,一等奖;

  (4) W.H. Wang, D. Wu*, S.S.A. Shah, R.S. Chen, C.S. Lou, The mechanism of critical strain and serration type of the serrated flow in Mg-Nd-Zn alloy. Materials Science and Engineering A 649 (2016): 214-221. 2016 年辽宁省金属学会优秀科技论文,一等奖;

  (5) J.L. Li, D. Wu*, Q.B. Yang, R.S. Chen, Superplasticity of multi-directional impact forged Mg-Gd-Y-Zr alloy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 672 (2016): 27-35. 2018 年辽宁省金属学会优秀科技论文,二等奖;

  (6) D. Wu, R.S. Chen, W. Ke, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of a Sand-cast Mg-Nd-Zn Alloy. Materials & Design58 (2014): 324-331. 2016 年辽宁省金属学会优秀科技论文,二等奖;


1. J.L. Li, D. Wu*, R.S. Chen, E.H. Han, Anomalous effects of strain rate on the room-temperature ductility of a cast Mg-Gd-Y-Zr alloy. Acta Materialia 159 (2018): 31-45.

2. S.H. Lu, D. Wu*, R.S. Chen, E.H. Han, Microstructure and texture optimization by static recrystallization originating from {10-12} extension twins in a Mg-Gd-Y alloy. Journal of Materials Science & Technology 59 (2020): 44-60.

3. S.S.A. Shah, D. Wu1, R.S. Chen, G.S. Song, Static recrystallization behavior of multi-directional impact forged Mg-Gd-Y-Zr alloy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 805 (2019): 189-197.

4. B. Zhou, D.H. Meng, D. Wu*, J.F. Tang, R.S. Chen, P.J. Li, E.H. Han, Characterization of porosity and its effect on the tensile properties of Mg-6Gd-3Y-0.5Zr alloy. Materials Characterization 152(2019): 204-212.

5. W.H. Wang, D. Wu*, R.S. Chen, X.N. Zhang, Effect of solute atom concentration and precipitates on serrated flow in Mg-3Nd-Zn alloy. Journal of Materials Science & Technology 34 (2018): 1236-1242.

6. S.S.A. Shah, D. Wu*, W.H. Wang, R.S. Chen, Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of a Mg-Gd-Y alloy processed by impact forging. Materials Science and Engineering A 702 (2017): 153-160.

7. W.H. Wang, D. Wu*, S.S.A. Shah, J.H. Ni, R.S. Chen, X.N. Zhang, The relationship between dynamic strain aging and serrated flow behavior in magnesium alloy. Philosophical Magazine Letters 97 (2017): 235-240.

8. J.L. Li, D. Wu*, Q.B. Yang, R.S. Chen, Superplasticity of multi-directional impact forged Mg-Gd-Y-Zr alloy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 672 (2016): 27-35.

9. W.H. Wang, D. Wu*, S.S.A. Shah, R.S. Chen, C.S. Lou, The mechanism of critical strain and serration type of the serrated flow in Mg-Nd-Zn alloy. Materials Science and Engineering A 649 (2016): 214-221.

10. W.H. Wang, D. Wu*, R.S. Chen, C.S. Lou, The influence of temperature and strain rate on serration type transition of serrated flow on NZ31 magnesium alloy. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 25 (2015): 3611-3617.

11. D. Wu, R.S. Chen, W. Ke, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of a Sand-cast Mg-Nd-Zn Alloy. Materials & Design 58 (2014): 324-331.

12. D. Wu, W.N. Tang, R.S. Chen, E.H. Han, W. Ke, Strength enhancement in a Mg-Gd-Zn alloy by cold rolling. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 23 (2013): 301-306.

13. D. Wu, W.N. Tang, R.S. Chen, E.H. Han, W. Ke, Influence of texture and grain size on the room-temperature ductility and tensile behavior in a Mg-Gd-Zn alloy processed by rolling and forging. Materials & Design 41 (2012): 306-313.

14. D. Wu, R.S. Chen, E.H. Han, W. Ke, Serrated Flow and Tensile Properties of a Mg–Gd–Zn Alloy. Materials Science and Engineering A 532(2012): 267-274.

15. D. Wu, R.S. Chen, E.H. Han. Excellent room-temperature ductility and formability of rolled Mg–Gd–Zn alloy sheets. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 509 (2011): 2856-2863.


  1. 陈荣石,吴迪,韩恩厚,柯伟,非(弱)基面织构的镁合金变形材的冷轧工艺及其冷轧板材,专利号:ZL201110124978.5,授权日期2012.11,证书号1071789;

  2. 陈荣石,吴迪,洪敏,柯伟,一种高强耐热镁合金的锤锻开坯方法,专利号:ZL 201410459175.9,授权日期2017.09,证书号2642144;

  3. 陈荣石,吴迪,王文辉,柯伟,一种对ZM6镁合金进行快速时效的热处理方法,,专利号:ZL 201410459029.6,授权日期:2017.12,证书号:2753742;


  1. 2017年6月参加“The 7th Asian Symposium on Magnesium Alloys”,韩国,首尔,Poster;

  2. 2016年10月参加“IUMRS-ICA2016暨中国材料大会2016”,中国,青岛,Invited Oral presentation;

  3. 2016年10月参加“镁业分会第十九届年会暨2016 年全国镁行业大会”,中国,营口,参会;

  4. 2016年1月参加“China-Austria Roundtable on Advanced Materials”,中国,沈阳,口头交流磋商;

  5. 2016年8月参加“9th Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing”,日本,京都,Oral presentation;(中科院金属所支持青年科技人才参加国际会议项目支持)

  6. 2015年3月参加“Annual Conference of TMS”,美国,奥兰多,Oral presentation;

  7. 2014年12月参加“The 6th Asian Symposium on Magnesium Alloys”,中国,成都,Poster;

  8. 2014年7月参加“中国材料大会”,中国,成都,墙报;

  9. 2014年6月参加“空间材料学术交流会”,中国,沈阳,口头报告;

  10. 2013年10月参加“12th International Conference on Advanced Materials”,中国,青岛,Poster;
